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Business Lessons from the Movie Industry: An Entrepreneurial Perspective

Dr. Rajeev Kamineni explores the entrepreneurial role of movie producers in creativity, budgeting, project management, and marketing.

Behind the glitz and glamour, there is a significant amount of sweat and effort to get a movie project off the ground and into the theatres. However, many consumers do not get to appreciate the significant business role played by a movie producer. In this presentation, movie industry professional and academic, Dr Rajeev Kamineni will showcase how a movie producer has to exhibit command over creativity in the script selection, budgeting, project management and marketing in order to successfully execute a movie project. These four roles fit in well with the theory of entrepreneurship that highlights discovery of opportunity, execution and exploitation. Therefore, for every movie that he/she produces, a movie producer is an entrepreneur in the true sense. The movie business eco system will also be explored to explain the breadth and span of movie business. 

Who should attend 

  • Prospective Business students
  • Present and past University of Adelaide students
  • Graduates from relevant disciplines
  • Industry professionals seeking advanced development. 

Presented by Dr. Rajeev Kamineni

Passionate about Movies and Education, fortunate to work in both the industries. Rajeev started his working career in a bookstore three decades ago and then moved onto area sales manager, director, executive director, chief officer, and head of program positions. He has working stints in Australia, Dubai, Japan, India, Singapore and South Africa. Rajeev was actively involved in financing 35 movies and producing 14 movies in the Indian movie industry. With a lifelong passion for cinema, Rajeev has authored a book on Indian cinema published by Routledge, UK. Currently Academic Director, and teaching management for University of Adelaide’s students, he was also actively involved as an organizer and executive committee member of the Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF).

